Friday, December 31, 2010

The Best Website on the Webbernet

Dear readers, I have found the best website on the Webbernet.

No, it isn't Facebook. And shame on those of you who think it is Myspace. Or Linkedin. Or any social network.

It isn't a banking website, Paypal, eBay, Amazon, or anything having to do with money or business of any sort.

It has nothing to do with calculating any equation, building rockets, stopping criminals of any kind, or donating money to feed starving children in Africa. (Although I highly encourage that last one when you have the dough to spare.)

It has nothing to do with e-mail, streaming music, playing games, or doing homework.

The website is, where you can watch any episode of Star Trek ever released to the public. Except, of course, for Star Trek Phase II, which technically does not exist. My favorite episode is from the second season of The Next Generation, called "The Child." Go there now.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

My new best friend

Lookie what I got for Christmas. It's got me so grinny that I feel like a 6-year-old on Christmas morning, rather than a twentysomething on Christmas morning.

However, I found that she's not quite my size. I've got the neck, bust, and hips just right, but I can't recreate my spare tire on her midsection. So, it looks like I will have to pad and cover my dress form.
(See also this)

Since receiving my new dress form, I've been reading up on using a dress form for drafting patterns and creating garments without any patterns. From what I understand, they use dress forms on Project Runway this way. I'll have to start watching that show. I wonder if it's online or on On Demand... I'll look after I post, and post the answer as a comment.

Here's some cool drafting websites:

I'd also like to use my dress form for corsetry. I've found some cool websites for that, including the best way to create your own corset patterns. See also: and

I've already got this book on corset building. It's pretty decent, actually. Notice I said "building." You don't "sew" a corset; because of all the boning and whatnot, you actually build it. Between that book and Farthingales, I should get my first one built properly. I also intend to get my supplies from there- when I get better at corsetry, then perhaps I can learn to modify objects more easily found nearby than ordered off the Webbernet.

I'll also be using this website, as this person appears to be on the same skill level as I... that is, not that much!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rhiannon's Song of the Year Award

Being a major music buff, I've always wanted to do a Song of the Year award. Unfortunately, I've never had much of a medium to show it: friends and family didn't care all that much. However, this seems like a good time to start. It's an even number year- better yet, a year ending in a denomination of 10- and I now have this blog, which, though I have no readers at the time of this writing, perhaps someone will soon start reading, see what I wrote here, and agree/disagree and maybe comment... which would be really cool.

So, the contestants for Rhiannon's Song of the Year are...

(In no particular order...)


Now, here's my reasoning for these contestants:

1. Cee Lo- "F*ck You"
You have to admire the guy with the cajones to say exactly what he feels in a song- even if that song will never be on the radio, at least not without a ton of editing. It's gritty, it's dirty, and it's at the height of emotion. The girl you love with a rich guy? F*ck him. She's only with him for the money? F*ck her, too. Ultimately, I believe we're all like that.

2. Black Eyed Peas- "The Time (Dirty Bit)"
I truly enjoy the Black Eyed Peas anyway. That they took a song I like from the 80's, updated it and added their own twist makes me respect them just a bit more. It shows they know and enjoy the classics.

3. Willow Smith- "Whip My Hair"
Boy, isn't she cute! This little chicky definitely has her own style. The video also makes an interesting statement: That schools nowadays, and for a very long time, have seen students only as warm bodies and numbers, with no room for the individual. Little Missy Smith here is shown to combat that. I can't wait to see what she comes out with next- not only in music, but in fashion.

4. Katy Perry- "Firework"
This song is, by far, the most inspirational one I've heard in years. Or, at least, that has been released in years. The gist of the song: You're brighter than the sun- go out and shine. And the music video makes me want to volunteer at a children's hospital. Plus, I really feel for the girl with the body issues, and want to hug the gay kid, and hi-five the magician who quite possibly helped some gang members who had originally tried to mug him.

5. and 6. Lady Gaga- "Alejandro" and "Telephone" (w/ Beyonce)
Lady Gaga always has my respect for her fashion style, even if I don't understand it all the time (although sometimes I do- like the meat dress... Google it). The reason why two of her songs made it to my list is because they represent different things. "Alejandro" seems to represent fighting the military's "Don't Ask/Don't Tell" policy, which I agree must be gotten rid of, and sooner, the better. "Telephone" is just fantastic- it represents the technical age we live in, and that solo by Beyonce is just plain cool.

So, which one do I choose to represent 2010?

Drumroll, please...

Yup, that's right- Katy Perry's "Firework"!

This song is just too inspirational, and is the best call-to-arms of all those with golden hearts. We should all take Perry's advice- GO OUT AND OUTSHINE THE MOON!

As an added bonus, here's the best Christmas song of the season:
This little chicky, Rhema Marvanne, is only SEVEN. I'd watch her, if I were you- with a voice that wonderful, and being that young, she's definitely going to have a future in music. Too sweet.